SABAK, WILSON & LINGO, Inc. is proud to be associated with many important revitalization projects in the Louisville area from large projects like Park DuValle in West Louisville to smaller projects like the Butcher Block in Butchertown. Our familiarity with the various local overlay and historic districts that are often involved with many of these older neighborhoods and our relationship with local agency staff make us an asset in the development process.
Spotlight Project: The EDGE at Liberty Green
The EDGE at Liberty Green is a mixed-use redevelopment project located within the Clarksdale Revitalization area known as Liberty Green. It is an urban neighborhood with mixed-use office, retail, restaurants and residential uses within walking distance of the University of Louisville Hospital campus. SABAK, WILSON & LINGO, Inc. served as consulting engineers, landscape architects and urban planners. Services included production of planning documents, shared parking studies, detailed urban design guidelines, civil engineering, utility coordination, and construction services. Sabak, Wilson & Lingo, Inc. also negotiated with MSD on the Clients’ behalf regarding the construction of two infiltration basins that remove approximately 19,000 gallons of stormwater per rainfall event from the combined sewer system.